zondag 18 september 2011

Pancake Nightmare

everyone who knows me thinks i'm a great cook. Everyone who knows me a little bit better knows that i'm a terrible cook. Even though everything i like is Vintage and old fashioned, i'm a terrible cook and couldn't even bake a normal egg. As you saw with my 'Bunny Hops' (who turned out great, BTW.) I'm learning quick. So today when my mom was at a friends house, I decided to make pancakes, but smaller. (we call it Pannenkoeken, but I don't know what the American version is)
easy, you'd think. Well, think again. The first one came out of the pan in little pieces, but that always happens to the first one, my mom says. The second time I forgot to use butter and the third time it burned. But then the fourth one was perfect! And eventually I got better at it, an the last one was the best, I'd say. Ah well, Practice makes Perfect.
The room does smell lovely now. That's the great thing about cooking. (and your little brother hugging you saying it's delicious! )

woensdag 14 september 2011

How To Live WOW!

A big problem for me at school always occurs after the first few weeks; the big thrill of going to school again and kick some ass, showing the teachers that you're worth way more than they give you credit for, is gone. Homework becomes boring again and you're looking forward to every weekend.
Some things I always do is looking at movies that make you feel good, that show you that everyone can be someone. (even Disney movies). And the same goes with songs ofcourse. I have a playlist on my i-pod that I always listen to when I go to school on my bike, because they make me want to go to school.

So this whole week I've been sick at home.  It wasn't really bad or something like that, just the normal cold, and a nice break from going to school for 8 hours. (yeah, from 7:30 untill 5:15, thank you very much!)
My mom bought this book for me; ''How To Live Wow!'' about how to do something with your life. it's a really great book about how to make your own luck, and I highly reccommend it to everyone who want's to do something with their life, but doesn't exactly know what.

Love Maaike

zondag 4 september 2011

Bunny Hops

So this is something I used to make with my grandmother when i was little. She'd make everything and I would sit with her on the sink and got to lick the spoon afterwards.

I wanted to make some this weekend because a friend of mine had a really bad day last week, and what better medicine is there than chocolate? It's the first time I made it on my own though- but I must say it looked (and smelled) really good!

- 2/3 bars of chocolate. (you can use any kind
of chocolate, but without nuts, or anything else in it. I used milk chocolate.)
- cornflakes                   (just normal conflakes, without suger or anything else.)

- you'll also need a wooden spoon, two normal spoons, and two pans, a big one and a
small one.

And ofcourse, before you begin, wash your hands and wear an apron to make shure you won't get stains on your clothes.

Fill the first pan with water, and put enough in it so that the smaller pan can loat on the water. You'll need to heat it up, but it can't boil.
Put the chocolate in the small pan, and let it melt. It helps a lot if you break the bars in small pieces.
When it's melted you only need to put the cornflakes in the chocolate and make shure they're all covered in it. Then you need to make little ''hops'' of it with picking small bits out with two spoons.
Let it cool down for a couple of hours – it'll go faster if you put it in the freezer or in a cool basement. –

As an extra you can wrap it up nicely and give it away as a present, be original.

love, Maaike

zaterdag 27 augustus 2011


 And now there are only two days of Summer vacaton left.....unlike some lucky people in the U.S, we only have 8 weeks of summer vacation. Still, it's more than my little brother has (6 weeks), but time flies when you're having fun. So let's try to make the best out of the less than 48 hours of freedom we have left, before we have to listen to boring teachers for hours again and drown in our homework.

The fun part of a first day of school, (for me, at least) is planning what 'm going to wear. My original idea was to go shop my parents broke in China, since I was being forced to go there, but halfway up the plans changed and I didn't have to go anymore. The good part was that I got what  wanted, the bad part was that now I didn't have any clothes. So, it was time to go shopping in our little town once again.....

I say mission accomplished! I'm a big fan of all things Vintage and old fashioned, unlike Kerstin, who most of the times wears black, but that's another story... anyways, when Kerstin first saw it she said it looked like Annie's dress, but in blue, and when I got home and I showed it to my mom she said it looked like Kate Middleton's dress, so I guess it's a mix between the two of them, so tell me, what do you guy's think? Annie or Kate?

Love, Maaike

zaterdag 23 juli 2011

Greetings, people on earth!
We, (as in Kerstin and Maaike) have come to rescue you out of your boredomness! (or at least for a minute or two :S)

So, as a start, we'll tell a little something about ourselves,

HI! :D
I'm Maaike, A proud Disney Fan, and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm also a shopaholic, and most of the times you will find me broke before the month has even started. I love watching movies, especially romantic ones, or historical ones, like Marie Antionette. Thing I like change everytime I watch a movie, for example, if I watch The Three Musketeers, you'll find that I'm provocing teachers just so that I have a reason to think of them as evil, so you won't be seeing me watching a dark sinister movie about murderer. I love history too, especially about Henry VIII, and Titanic. You can always wake me up to ask me about that, but beware, because if I start talking  I normally won't shut up before I've told everything there is to tell about the subject.
I'm fourteen years old, and I live in a little land called Holland, in a little city, or rather a village with a big ego. But I am planning to move to America as soon as I finish High School, to go study either in New York or Washington D.C.

And I'm planning to come along! Or well, I might go a year earlier, look around for a bit, and get settled. No idea what college I'll go to. I live near Maaike In an even smaller town (For the people who didn't figure it out already, I'm Kerstin) and we go to the same highschool! I'm fourteen as well, and love writing and do it more often then i actually should! (teachers don't always appreciate that BTW xD) And this is our blog where we'll tell you all about ourselves, our daily lives, and much more I'm sure you might not even care about, but we'll tell you anyway!

Maaike & Kerstin