zaterdag 27 augustus 2011


 And now there are only two days of Summer vacaton left.....unlike some lucky people in the U.S, we only have 8 weeks of summer vacation. Still, it's more than my little brother has (6 weeks), but time flies when you're having fun. So let's try to make the best out of the less than 48 hours of freedom we have left, before we have to listen to boring teachers for hours again and drown in our homework.

The fun part of a first day of school, (for me, at least) is planning what 'm going to wear. My original idea was to go shop my parents broke in China, since I was being forced to go there, but halfway up the plans changed and I didn't have to go anymore. The good part was that I got what  wanted, the bad part was that now I didn't have any clothes. So, it was time to go shopping in our little town once again.....

I say mission accomplished! I'm a big fan of all things Vintage and old fashioned, unlike Kerstin, who most of the times wears black, but that's another story... anyways, when Kerstin first saw it she said it looked like Annie's dress, but in blue, and when I got home and I showed it to my mom she said it looked like Kate Middleton's dress, so I guess it's a mix between the two of them, so tell me, what do you guy's think? Annie or Kate?

Love, Maaike